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How to Cut Carrots into Flowers

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Carrots add sweetness, crunch and a splash of color to most dishes; especially stir-fries. Make them stand out even more by cutting the carrots into pretty flower-shaped slices. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to cut carrots into flowers!

How to cut carrots into flowers

I love adding sliced carrots to my vegetable stir-fries. They give the dish a nice splash of color and also add great texture and flavor. Taking just a couple of extra minutes to cut the carrots into flower-shaped slices can truly elevate the look of the dish. These also look great in salads. Alternatively, these pretty carrot flower slices can also be enjoyed by themselves. Add some to your child’s lunchbox for a fun, healthy snack!

How to Cut Carrots into Flowers Step-by-Step

1. Wash and peel the carrot.

2. Place the carrot horizontally on a cutting board, then cut it in half down the middle.

How to cut carrots into flowers

3. Cut off the ends.

4. Cut a V-shaped groove using the length of your knife’s blade. Carefully cut at a 45-degree angle on one side, then again on the opposite side to complete the V. Don’t make the grooves too deep or the flower petals will look too square. Start small, and you can always make the groove deeper if needed.

How to cut carrots into flowers

5. Cut four more grooves on the carrot, spacing them evenly.

How to cut carrots into flowers

6. Five grooves on the carrot will give you five petals on the flower, which is ideal for aesthetics as most flowers have 5 petals. On smaller carrots, you may only be able to cut four grooves which will give it four petals, which is okay too.

How to cut carrots into flowers

7. Place the carrot horizontally on your cutting board then cut into thin slices.

How to cut carrots into flowers

8. Voila! You now have carrot flowers! Use them in stir-fries, salads, or enjoy them as a healthy snack.

I love using carrot flowers in my vegetable stir-fries

How to cut carrots into flowers
How to Cut Carrots into Flowers

Sizzling Rice Soup - A step-by-step guide | Wok & Skillet

Sunday 21st of June 2020

[…] 4 cups of chicken stock to a boil over medium-high heat, then add one carrot (sliced). Click here to read the step-by-step guide on how to cut the carrot into flower-shaped […]


Tuesday 29th of January 2019

Beautiful recipes!! I would be lovely if you permit printing of your recipes. I use my tower computer in my office to review your recipes. Your version of loose sizzling rice is the way I prefer. Thank you. I can not bring my computer to the kitchen. It would be so lovely to be able to just hit a print button and I am in business. Old and lazy, I am!!


Wednesday 30th of January 2019

Hi Patty, Thank you so much for your kind comments! There is a way to print just the recipe! If you scroll most of the way down the page, in the recipe section, you will find a "Print" button right underneath the photo of the dish. This page (How to Cut Carrots into Flowers) does not have the recipe section as it is more of a how-to rather than an actual recipe, but for my recipe posts, you will be able to print just the recipe. I hope that helps! Please email me at [email protected] if you have any trouble with this - I'll be happy to send screenshots. Thank you so much again! :)